Efficient Doctrine entity iteration

There are a ton of ways described online to iterate entities efficiently in Doctrine 2.* (up to at least 2.17), but the most efficient one is definitely to lookup entities using your own for loop.


$maxLimit = 100_000;
$limit = 200;
$offset = 0;

for ($offset = 0; $offset < $maxLimit; $offset += $limit) {
    $myEntities = $myEntityRepository->findBy(['myField' => true], ['fieldToOrderBy' => 'ASC'], $limit, $offset);

    if (!$myEntities) {

    /** @var MyEntity $myEntity */
    foreach ($myEntities as $myEntity) {
	// ... do something

    // Optionally call `$entityManager->clear();` here.
    // $entityManager->clear();
